
Hi there!

Thanks for stopping by. BJJ Goodies is the result of my passion for the martial arts.  For some, martial arts is a hobby.  For others, it's a lifestyle.  

Other things I'm passionate about are snowboarding, running, and lifting. And yoga; it helps me roll better, snowboard faster, run smoother, and lift heavier.  Besides, if yoga's good for Rickson, it's good for me. :-) You can read about Rickson's yoga practice here

I give away stuff for free every now and then, and run promotions for free shipping and discounted sales every so often. So sign up if you'd like to be notified of these. (You should see the subscribe banner at the top of my home page.)  Right now I'm giving away this free postcard-sized Jiu Jitsu Terminology sticker.  If you want it, send your name and postal address to sticker@bjjgoodies.com. Put FREE STICKER in the SUBJECT: line. (Stickers available while supplies last.)

All my items are printed and shipped by Spreadshirt. Each item is custom-printed only after an order is placed by a customer.  So I'd like to request you to please make sure you check your order twice before placing it.  

Thanks again for stopping by.  Roll on!  :-) 
